
Ne manquez pas l’occasion de « moonwalker » sur les pas du Roi de la Pop partout à travers le monde grâce à l’ouvrage « Sur les pas de Michael Jackson ».

Grâce à ce guide pratique tout en couleurs, vous découvrirez des centaines de500 lieux liés à l’HIStoire du Roi de la Pop: lieux de tournage, demeures, stades mythiques, lieux en hommage, attractions Michael Jackson, statues, statues de cire de Michael,… Ce guide qui vous fera voyager des Etats-Unis au Japon en passant par la France, le Brésil, l’Espagne, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, l’Allemagne, etc. Commandez l’ouvrage en édition limitée maintenant

Belgique / France :

23,90 euros + frais de port


Suisse / Québec (cliquez sur le pays adéquat)

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Autres pays

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  1. Myreil %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Ce guide je l’espérais depuis quelque temps et il sera pour moi un formidable compagnon pour mes pèlerinages voyages Michael Jackson… merci à Chris et Antoine pour cette idée génialissime …

  2. Gizem %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Merci Antoine pour ce guide, étant fan de Michael Jackson, je me fais un immense en le commandant aujourd’hui!!!!! En tout cas ingénieuse idée merci!

  3. laura denant %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    hate de le recevoir depuis le temps que je voulais un livre comme celui ci 🙂 merci

  4. laura denant %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    je les commander il y a un moment et je n’avais pas eu de mail de confirmation j’espere le recevoir ! car j’ai été débiter !! vivement 🙂

  5. Lady Childhood %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Hi 🙂 Thank u so much for this book its a great idea !!! Good job i appreciate it <3 Its all for L.o.v.e <3<3<3 God bless u .

  6. Klaus Neumann %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    When are you planning to get out a english version of this book? Will be sonice to get one of this before traveling to Italy…. Or your new online version released in English?

    Hope for a signet english one, will be nice to show people in Denmark

    all best djkmjn aka Klaus

    • Christophe %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

      Hello Klaus.
      We’re working on something right now. It will be a first part of the book, in English. It will contain the first part of the locations included into our french book. Mainly US, South America, Canada and a selection of places around the world. We hope to open the preorder very soon, in april 2015 or at least begin may 2015 !
      If you have any question regarding your travel to Italy feel free to contact us > surlespasdemichael@gmail.com
      All the best

  7. Sandi %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    I just ordered the English edition. I hope you do put out a second book with the rest of the world. Thanks for doing this.

    • Christophe %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

      That’s the plan. We hope that the fans will make the BOOK1 a asucces so we can make the second one !

  8. Klaus Neumann %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Is there any way to order both books at ones and then save a bit up on Shipping

  9. Fernanda Camino %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Hi! I had already listened about this but I never found the moment to check til now. I saw with surprise you mentions Argentina, my country. Wow!!! I’d love to buy them but I can’t sadly! Thanks equally to do them!

  10. Ewa %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Hi I’m from Poland. I don’t see any information about delivery. Are you shipping this book to Poland ? What about payment ? Can I pay via PayPal ?

  11. WINNIE LAU %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    I am sorry. may i ask how long will it take to delivery the book to Hong Kong? THANKS!!!

    • Christophe %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

      About 10 open days after it’s release on june 15th….

      • Katja %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

        Is the englisch Version already released ?When will it be released ?

        • Christophe %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

          Hello, yes the english version was released on june 15th. It’s so available, bt only on the Internet (on this website or on Amazon.com). All the best

          • Katja %A %e %B %Y %H:%M

            Just order it Thank you I hope to get the book soon. Youre great 🙂

  12. MJ SHAYONI %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply


    • Christophe %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

      At the moment no : we’re in a pre-order proposition. But as soon as the book is out, it will be on Amazon.com

  13. Carla %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    I just ordered the English version. I can’t wait to get it! Thanks so much!

  14. Tunde %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Hi, I already ordered the book and paid with PayPal. Is there a way to track shipping? How long will it take to Hungary? Thank you.

  15. Rosa Aguilar %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Hi, I bougth my guide exactly 15 days ago. Could you tell me when I’m receiving my book in Spain? Thank you very much for your time.


  16. MAGDALENA %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Ok, I preorder 19 may now is month later and when to Poland You send my copy. THNX

  17. jovinejackson %A %e %B %Y %H:%M / Reply

    Good job! What a handsomely produced book. I believe that what you do is indeed a work of LOVE. I can hardly wait to read the Book Two.
    Thank you and best regards
    A Moonwalker from Asia.

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